Member-only story
You become what you EAT !
Long gone are the days of the Mongols, who roamed the Eurasian steppe and formed the largest ever contiguous empire. What remains though is the fascinating speed and ferocity with which they conquered Asia and parts of Europe, and leaves one wondering what fueled the Mongol Conquest. The Simple Answer: Horse Milk. Owing to the superior quality of Mare’s Milk which was low in fat, high in Lactose and Micronutrients (Vitamins), The Mongols were lean, clean and mean, and their stamina was unmatched.
Supplement them with eggs, spinach, and milk. Those frequent acnes and dry skin may be a sign of Vitamin A deficiency and that chronic fatigue that never subsides no matter how many energy drinks you gulp down, maybe a sign of vitamin D deficiency. It takes 100 trillion cells to constitute a human body, and each needs a constant supply of a variety of nutrients. Deficiency in any one tends to invite a host of disorders and diseases. Consider a Sodium deficient person; what symptoms would such a person exhibit? Confusion, lethargy, altered personality are a few symptoms that would be easily noticeable, but what about the underlying disorders such as an underactive thyroid or adrenal glands or decreased function of the kidneys, liver or heart. Ramifications of such a deficiency are hard to comprehend and almost always leads to a sinister condition in the long term. The need of the hour is a Balanced diet…